

i haz lived thru a tornado

i haz lived till de next (2) day!!!

How ever, I'm running rather low on Cup Cakes... Now I'm giving it caps!!! ARGHY
There was a thunder storm last night.. And a TORNADO WARNING!!!
 That's the storm on a radar... I mean last night there was so much lightning that it lit the whole sky and it felt like daytime! Some flashes lasted for 2 seconds. Luckily, brave Mia saved all my cowering sisters!!!
Molly: MIA! You were scared to death!
Mia: Psh, no.. I wasn't.. scared..

Anyway, were any of you affected by the storm? We were.. kinda.

1 comment:

  1. OMG there was a HUMONGO {lol} storm last night!!!!! Here in Tennessee, we were under a Tornado warning, a lot of lightning and thunder, and many people in our area had no power. Luckily our power didn't go out until right after I got on the school bus this morning, then the power went out at school and we had to rely on the generator until my Mom came to pick us up. About 20 minutes ago we got our power back at my house thank goodness. :)

