

Quickie Contest!!!

OKAY THEN! Listen up, this is it:

I'm going to host a quick contest, becasue I've almost got 10 FOLLOWERS!
So basically this: You'll tell me what your favorite thing about this wet (or very dry) season called spring. :D (I know it's be done before)
This contest will start as soon as I get my 10th follower! :D Prizes:

1st place: A coded website banner (something to promote your site)
2nd place: A siggy like mine (scroll down)

I'm only having 1st and 2nd cuz I'm just so cool like that!!!

So, comment below with your name and your favorite thing about spring! Please note, if you win, I will need your email (you can email me also

Happy.. contesting!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mia! My FAVORITE thing about spring is the smell of the air after it rains. Unfortunately for us, there has been NO rain this season! And if you're wondering, my LEAST FAVORITE thing about spring are the thick layers of yellow pollen that are EVERYWHERE. PS- visit my Picasaweb albums!
